privacy Policy

Personal data processing policy applicable to contacts, customers, prospects, users of online services.

The policy set out below applies to the processing of personal data by Permissiony (hereinafter referred to as

the controller).

1 - General provisions

The following provisions concern all the processing of personal data carried out by the data controller, unless

otherwise specified in the specific provisions, for all the sites for which he offers online services.

> Legal framework - compliance with the RGPD and Country law

The controller declares that he / she is processing personal data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of

the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the

processing of personal data, personal character and the free circulation of these data (hereinafter referred to as

the RGPD) and specific laws of the U.K. relating to data, files and freedoms (modified).

> Controller and other stakeholders

The controller is identified above. His contact details are Globycom S.R.L. , piazza IV Novembre, 4 - 20214 MILANO

ITALY registered in the Register of Commerce and Companies of MILANO under the number 07923020965.

A request form is available on the website.

> Recipients of personal data

The categories of data recipients are affiliated boards, agencies, lead generation companies and companies

looking for customer acquisition and / or online visibility and intermediate of database monetization.

> Data transfer

The controller does not intend to transfer personal data to a third country or to an international organization

outside Europe.

> Retention period of personal data

The data will be kept until the unsubscription of the person whose data is collected.

> Rights of the person whose data are collected

The person whose personal data are collected has the right:

- to request from the controller the access to personal data, the rectification or deletion of such data, or a

limitation of the processing relating to the data subject,

- to oppose the treatment,

- the portability of its data,

- to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority,

- to withdraw consent at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of consent-based treatment prior to its

withdrawal, which right exists only where the treatment is based on Article 6 (1) (a) ), or on Article 9 (2) (a) of

the GDPR, that is to say on the consent of the data subject to the processing of his personal data for one or

more specific purposes.

Requests for changes can be made via the online form at or by sending an email


2 - Specific provisions

The following provisions are specific to each type of personal data processing.

> Relationship management with our contacts and prospects

Personal data processed - We process the following personal data: title, surname, name, telephone number,

email address, postal address, profession.

Purpose - The processing of personal data is intended for the management of the relationship with our contacts

and prospects. In particular, this treatment is intended to provide the data subject with information on

economic news, offers and exclusive services relating to the sector of activity of his company or to his personal


Legal basis - This processing of personal data is based on the consent of the data subject (Article 6 (1) (a) of the

RGPD). The request for data is of a contractual nature. The data subject is not obliged to provide this data. If the

data subject does not provide the data or withdraws consent to the processing of data, the data subject will not

be able to receive information on economic news, offers and exclusive services relating to the business sector of

his business or his personal interests.

> Marketing and advertising messages

Personal data processed - We process the following data: last name, first name, phone number, email,

profession and information about open messages and links (including the date and time of the consultation).

Purpose - The treatment is intended to improve our communication and to send you relevant contents at

appropriate times depending on the times (hours / days) that are best for you.

Automated decision making - profiling - Automated decisions will be made based on the data collected. The

underlying logic of these automated decisions is that we will be able to plan the sending of exclusive offers

according to your needs. The importance and expected consequences of this treatment for the person

concerned are: receive offers that match you.

Legal basis - the processing is based on the consent of the data subject (Article 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR) and is

necessary for the legitimate interests we pursue to improve our communication and to avoid addressing

inappropriate communications (Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR). The request for data is of a contractual nature. The

data subject is not obliged to provide these data and may object at any time to their processing. If the data

subject does not provide the data or withdraws consent to the data processing, he or she will not be able to

receive appropriate communications.

> Safety and prevention of illegal activities

Personal data processed - We process the following data: company name, surname, first name, email, phone

number, postal address, profession, website.

Purpose - The treatment is intended to ensure the safety of our products and services and to prevent unlawful

activities related to our products and services.

Legal basis - This processing is necessary for the fulfillment of the legal obligations to which the controller is

subject (Article 6 (1) (c) of the GDPR) and is necessary for the legitimate interests we pursue to provide security.

of our products and services and to prevent illegal activities (Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR). The request for data

complies with the applicable laws and regulations. The data subject is required to provide this data if they wish

to benefit from our products and services. If the data subject does not provide the data, they will no longer be

able to receive our communications and take advantage of exclusive offers